Ep 28: The Quran According to the Quran, Eaman Attia | In the Shade of Ramadan Season 13 Points of Reflection: Reflect on your relationship with the Qur’an: What are the different ways one can grow in and interact with the Qur’an? How do you interact with...
Ep 27: The All-Encompassing, Dr. Mohamed AbuTaleb | In the Shade of Ramadan Season 13 Points of Reflection: What does “Indeed Allah encompasses them from all sides” mean? How do you accept knowing that Allah (swt) can grant victory in this life,...
Ep 26: The Failure of “The Great Forces” | In the Shade of Ramadan Season 13 Points of Reflection: If you aren’t familiar with either Pharoah or Thamud, revisit them. Both were examples of power in their time and society - one a powerful tyrant,...
Ep 25: The Doer of What He Wills, Dr. Mohamed AbuTaleb | In the Shade of Ramadan Season 13 Points of Reflection: If you aren’t familiar with either Pharoah or Thamud, revisit them. Both were examples of power in their time and society - one a powerful tyrant,...
Ep 24: The Most Glorious & The Most Honorable, Sr. Eaman Attia | In the Shade of Ramadan Season 13
MAS Tarbiya Dir. Eaman Attia breaks down the nuanced and profound meanings of Allah’s name Al-Majeed, mentioned in ayah 15 of Surah al-Buruj.
Ep. 23: Description of Allah’s Throne, Sr. Eaman Attia | In the Shade of Ramadan Season 13
MAS Tarbiya Dir. Eaman Attia sheds light on the description of Allah’s throne using various sources, which is mentioned in ayah 15 of Surah al-Buruj.
Shaherazad Shelves Publishing House for Muslim Authors and Quality Fiction
Shaherazad Shelves is a New York City-based publishing house dedicated to supporting Muslim authors. They operate under three distinct imprints, each catering to different aspects of Muslim...
Ep. 22: The Door That’s Open for Everyone, Dr. Imad Bayoun | In the Shade of Ramadan Season 13
Dr. Imad Bayoun reflects on how the door of repentance is open for everyone — even for the oppressors and tyrants. And if that’s the case, then no one should ever despair of the mercy of Allah if they sincerely repent for their own misdeeds.
Ep. 21: Al-Ghafoor & Al-Wadood, Dr. Imad Bayoun | In the Shade of Ramadan Season 13
We reach ayah 14 of Surah al-Buruj with Dr. Imad Bayoun in which he breaks down the meanings of the names of Allah: Al-Ghafoor (The All Forgiving) and Al-Wadood (The All-Loving).
Ep. 20: The Originator & Restorer, Eaman Attia | In the Shade of Ramadan Season 13
MAS Tarbiya Dir. Eaman Attia reflects on the nuances of what it means when Allah calls Himself The Originator and The Restorer in ayah 13 of Surah al-Buruj.
Episode 19: The Crushing Grip of Allah | In the Shade of Ramadan Season 13
Dr. Imad Bayoun shares the aftermath of the “Companions of the Pit” story and reflects on how life always continues after every hardship.
Ep. 18: How Do the Stories in Surah al-Buruj Connect? Dr. Imad Bayoun | In the Shade of Ramadan Season 13
Dr. Imad Bayoun shares the aftermath of the “Companions of the Pit” story and reflects on how life always continues after every hardship.
Ep 17: The Peak: The Greatest Victory, Imam Fuad Mohamed | In the Shade of Ramadan Season 13
Imam Fuad tells us that whenever we go through tough times as believers, we should always refer back to the ayah of 11 of Surah al-Buruj to understand what specifically is the greatest victory we can achieve.
Ep. 16: The Mother & Infant Before the Fire Pit , Sr Eaman Attia | In the Shade of Ramadan Season 13 Points of Reflection: Does it mean that you aren’t a true Believer if you hesitate or feel fear? Sometimes people need others around them to give them reassurance,...
Ep. 15: How Can You Serve As A Witness? Imam Fuad Mohamed | In the Shade of Ramadan Season 13
Allah describes himself as a Witness in Ayah 10 of Surah al-Buruj, but elsewhere in the Quran, He has also called the Prophet (s) and the Muslim ummah witnesses as well. What does this mean and how do we fulfill this role? Watch the video to find the answer.
Ep. 14: Having Faith in the Ultimate Witness, Imam Fuad Mohamed | In the Shade of Ramadan Season 13 Points of Reflection: When you are experiencing even a slight amount of hardship or injustice - how do you feel, how do you react? What about when you are witnessing...
Ep. 13: Al-Azeez & Al-Hameed, Sr. Eaman Attia | In the Shade of Ramadan Season 13
MAS’ Tarbiya Dir. Eaman Attia shares the meaning and the wisdom behind Allah using the names Al-Azeez and Al-Hameed to refer to himself at the end of verse 8 of Surah al-Buruj.
Ep. 12: The Collective Work in Surah Al-Buruj, Dr. Imad Bayoun | In the Shade of Ramadan Season 13
Dr. Imad Bayoun explores the boy’s impact on the kingdom’s population but also highlights the parallel Dawah effort that must have been going on for 20,000 people to become believers shortly after the boy’s death.
Ep. 11: The Ways of Tyrants, Dr. Imad Bayoun | In the Shade of Ramadan Season 13
Dr. Imad Bayoun explains in depth verse 10 of Surah al-Buruj about how tyrants of old and new strip people of their most basic rights.
Ep. 10: Reveling in Destruction, Dr. Mohamed AbuTaleb | In the Shade of Ramadan Season 13 Points of Reflection: What was the difference between the error of Adam and the error of Iblis? What do we learn from this comparison? How can we apply this lesson to...