Points of Reflection: How has studying Surah al-Buruj in detail impacted you this Ramadan? What lessons and reminders are you carrying forward? Has this overview of Surah al-Buruj comforted you, inspired you, motivated you? How so? Was there anything in this series...
Points of Reflection: Reflect on your relationship with the Qur’an: What are the different ways one can grow in and interact with the Qur’an? How do you interact with the Qur’an daily, weekly, and monthly? What are ways one can deepen one’s relationship with...
Points of Reflection: What does “Indeed Allah encompasses them from all sides” mean? How do you accept knowing that Allah (swt) can grant victory in this life, regardless of the circumstances, with injustices you have witnessed personally and/or globally? Does knowing...
https://youtu.be/w0fr4TGyBL4 Points of Reflection: If you aren’t familiar with either Pharoah or Thamud, revisit them. Both were examples of power in their time and society – one a powerful tyrant, the other a powerful tribe. What is the lesson behind the...
Points of Reflection: If you aren’t familiar with either Pharoah or Thamud, revisit them. Both were examples of power in their time and society – one a powerful tyrant, the other a powerful tribe. What is the lesson behind the stories of both Pharaoh and Thamud?...
Points of Reflection: How does Allah (swt) using al-Majeed to describe Himself put power and honor in perspective for us humans? How do you think this name of Allah (swt) provided assurance to the people of Mecca? Why? How does learning more about Allah (swt)’s names...