
Resurrection Ertugrul Actors Tour

Resurrection Ertugrul Actors Tour

MAS is touring around the US with actors from the world-renowned hit series Resurrection: Ertuğrul, Celal Al (Abdurrahman Alp) and Emre Üçtepe (Young Osman)! Join us to support the work of MAS...



MAS Revive packets are resources that can be adapted to best serve your youth and community. Please feel free to use supplemental materials, ideas, or mix & match activities in a way that...

Stand In Solidarity with Palestinians

(Washington D.C.) | May 8, 2021 - The Muslim American Society condemns the documented crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution faced by Palestinians under Israeli occupation. The...

Tune Into Our reMAStered Podcast

reMAStered is a new series of conversations dedicated to spiritual growth and guidance.  This new podcast from MAS focuses on topics that surround our community to help cultivate better...

MAS Has Rebranded

At MAS, we are in the business of spiritual development that leads to empowerment and ability to make real-world impact. This is what we work towards cultivating within our members and ourselves. It...

MASCON 2024 Members Specialty Dinner

MASCON 2024 Members Specialty Dinner

Join Us for the MASCON 2024 Members Specialty Dinner! *UPDATE* We are officially sold out! If you have your ticket, please join us in Vista Room S406A today at 4 PM. We will pray Maghrib together in...