Ep. 9: The Companions of the Ditch, Dr. Mohamed AbuTaleb | In the Shade of Ramadan Season 13 Points of Reflection: In the world that we live in we are used to seeing quick results. Does this impact how you deal with struggles and hardship in your life? How...
Ep 8: Something Worth Dying For | In the Shade of Ramadan Season 13 Points of Reflection: As the last believer left in his community, the young boy showed tremendous awareness of his limited yet powerful role in spreading the religion...
Ep 7: Do We Lose If We Don’t See Victory? | In the Shade of Ramadan Season 13 Points of Reflection: How do we typically define victory? Think of the following examples with the lens of ‘victory’ as described in this episode and reflect...
Ep 6: A Sacrifice for the Greater Good | In the Shade of Ramadan Season 13 Points of Reflection: Why would the boy give the king instructions on how to kill him? What was the goal? How have we seen the lessons of this story play out in our own...
The Boy & The King | ISR S 13 Ep 5 Points of Reflection: Like the boy discerning the sorcerer’s and the monk’s teachings, we often have to discern between beneficial and unbeneficial knowledge, true and...
IslamiCity Shares The Three Stages of Ramadan
Article Reference: IslamiCity Ramadan is a month of fasting, reflection, devotion, generosity, and sacrifice observed by Muslims worldwide. The word "Ramadan" comes from the Arabic word for...
The Witness and the Witnessed | ISR S 13 Ep 4 Points of Reflection: What is the difference between observing and witnessing? In what ways do we recognize the inherent responsibility of being a witness when using...
Living in A Paradigm of the Promised Day | ISR S 13 Ep 3 Points of Reflection: What does “preparing for our grave” mean? How can we best prepare for our grave? How many times a day, a week, a month do you remember the...
Castle of Stars | ISR S 13 Ep 2 Points of Reflection: What connections come to mind when reflecting on the meanings of the word “buruj” and the themes presented in Surah al-Buruj? Take a moment to...
The Uniqueness of Surat Al Buruj | ISR S 13 Ep 1 Points of Reflection: Given the overview of the main themes in Surah al-Buruj - what resonated with you? Why? What are you looking forward to learning more about due to...
Zakat Foundation of America Shares 5 Hadith About Ramadan
As Ramadan is getting closer by the day, let us be reminded of Ramadan’s importance and the lessons it teaches all Muslims of our Ummah. Zakat Foundation of America shared some important hadiths...
Young Muslims: Addressing Judgement Stigma
The Young Muslims Presents Muslim Youth Issues: Judgment Stigma campaign endeavors to shed light on the prevalent issue of judgment and shame within the American Muslim community. Our goal is to not...
IslamiCity Insights: 6 Teaching Methods of Prophet Muhammad
As the oldest Muslim platform, IslamiCity is dedicated to fostering peace, inspiring action, exploring positive solutions, and promoting purposeful living through the universal teachings of Islam....
Why do we lose and How do We Win? Allah’s Laws of Victory
This article explores Allah’s sunnah, or the divine laws, of victory. Allah has indeed made us a promise: that the believers will be victorious. We will expand on the definition of victory, its formulas, pathways, and conditions, according to the Quran and Sunnah.
Voices United: Historic Protest in D.C. Calls for Ceasefire, Accountability, and Justice in Palestine
Statement from The American Muslim Task Force for Palestine
Change Makers Initiative Initiated By A Continuous Charity
Change Makers Initiative Initiated By A Continuous Charity Nowadays where the pursuit of education often comes at a very high cost of accumulating debts, A Continuous Charity (ACC) stands out...
Helping Hand Winter Relief Program Supporting Those in Need
The winter season, as beautiful as it can be, brings with it the harsh reality of refugees living in camps, particularly those enduring the conditions in tents with minimal protection from the wind...
Gaza Weekly Webinars: Resources, Action Alerts and Reminders
Below is a recap of the resources and links shared during the webinars. We have also included the individual actions you can continue to do to help with your advocacy for justice in Palestine.
Influence of Worldwide Muslim Platforms – Spreading Awareness
In the digital generation, Muslim online platforms play an important role in sharing essential information across diverse fields, contributing to a deeper global understanding of Islam and Muslims....
Du’a for Palestine – A Valuable Effort
In times of misfortune and hardship, such as the war in Gaza and the ongoing terror that our Palestinian brothers and sisters are enduring, turning to prayer, explicitly making Du’a, is the only potent and comforting response.