The Ten Days of Dhul Hijjah

Be generous Like Prophet Ibrahim this Dhul Hijjah
3 Easy Steps to Automate Your Giving Throughout the 10 Best Days of the Year For Stress-Free Giving
1. Mark [Daily] before typing in your daily donation amount (note: not the total)
2. Check out and it will automatically stop on June 16, 2024
3. After entering your payment information, you can choose where you want the funds to go.
Dhul-Hijjah Resources
Allah, in His Infinite Mercy, has gifted us Dhul-Hijjah, a “blessed gift, a fresh opportunity to erase our sins and cleanse ourselves. It is also a second chance, for those who felt Ramadan slip through their fingers.”(1)
Revive Packs
Everything you need for Dhul-Hijjah from activities to reflections for the whole family can be found in this helpful packet.

Daily Reminders
Follow us @MuslimAmericanSociety on Facebook and instagram as we reflect on Dhul-Hijjah and Prophet Ibrahim’s legacy and qualities.
Empower Minds with MAS Publishing This Dhul-Hijjah
MAS Publishing is Expanding! In addition to books, we are working on:

Today, we’re facing a greater need for homegrown thinkers speaking from the American context. As a result, MAS Publishing is expanding our offerings from books exclusively to include original writings and resources from our own teachers, thinkers, and leaders specifically designed for the American Muslim activist.

All MAS Programs are Zakat & Sadaqah Jariyah Eligible.
MAS’ programs are zakat-eligible and touch the lives of 21,000 Muslims monthly nationwide as they strive to attain a deeper connection to their Lord. Imagine — every word of Quran or hadith, every bit of guidance they receive that leads them to become better Muslims counts as a sadaqa jariyah for you — even after death. Because you helped bring them closer to Allah.