Points of Reflection: What do you take away from the descriptions of Allah’s Throne mentioned throughout the Qur’an, some of which are relayed in this episode? What do you think is the significance of Allah (swt) using this word, al-Arsh (the Throne), to describe His...
Points of Reflection: Thinking about the story of the ditch, how does it make you feel that within the verse, Allah (swt) mentions that the punishment is for those who do not repent? When we think of repentance, are we only happy that we have the option but think that...
Points of Reflection: When hearing that Allah (swt) describes Himself as not only the Forgiver, but the One who Forgives repetitively and the One who Forgives big (is the Most Forgiving), what comes to your heart and mind? Did you know the difference between these...
Points of Reflection: How do we know when something is unjust? How do we define oppression? What are the sources of oppression in our society, in our world at large? Is oppression only that which comes at the hands of armies and state apparatuses? What are examples of...
https://youtu.be/-UTZi9AvxRY Points of Reflection: How do we know when something is unjust? How do we define oppression? What are the sources of oppression in our society, in our world at large? Is oppression only that which comes at the hands of armies and state...
Points of Reflection: In this episode, we dive deep into what happened after the story of the boy and the king and people of the ditch/trench. Were you surprised with what happened next? Why or why not? How does learning more about the socio-political and historical...