MAS ED letter on Palestine
The Muslim American Society is gravely concerned with the continued violence, dehumanization and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people. Palestinians have faced occupation, settler colonial apartheid, displacement, military checkpoints, and daily violence for 75 years. They have suffered under a military occupation that is funded by our tax dollars to the tune of 3.4 billion dollars/year. The Palestinian people have a right to a free and unoccupied homeland. The path forward for lasting peace is to address the root causes of continued injustice, colonial violence and Israeli apartheid.
To fully make sense of the root causes of the current violence unfolding in the region, please see the following statement from the American Muslims for Palestine.
This is a moment in history that requires us to remain steadfast, to put our trust in Allah (swt) and to continuously make dua for our brothers and sisters in Palestine. We know that Allah does not burden us with more than we can bear. Allah’s help is always there for those who believe, who remain steadfast, and who put their unwavering trust in Allah. This is a time to engage in deep introspection and strengthen our relationship with Allah (swt).
Below are individual actions you can take , resources you can utilize and calls to action to help you continue to advocate for justice in Palestine.
What can I do as an individual?
1. Supplicate earnestly to Allah – Dua is the most powerful weapon of the believer. Asking for divine intervention in the midst of this trial is critical. Allah (swt) tells us in the Quran: “and when my servants ask you about Me, then tell them I am near. I answer the call of every believer when they call upon me so let them also answer my call and believe in me so they may find rightful guidance” (2:186).
2. Pray Tahajjud – Make it a habit to wake up in the last third of the night when Allah (swt) comes down to the lowest heaven and beseech Allah to send Divine aid and assistance.
3. Give in Charity – Donate to verified and reliable relief organizations that are supporting Palestinians on the ground in Gaza. Some suggested organizations are listed below:
Palestine Children’s Relief Fund
Helping Hand for Relief & Development
4. Seek Mental Health Support– Connect and utilize the Family Youth Institute as a resource for mental health support and needs. We understand this is a difficult and overwhelming moment, especially for the Palestinian diaspora. It is okay to not be okay during this exhausting and emotional time. Seek help and utilize the resources available.
Calls to Action
- Engage in Local Actions – Follow your local Palestinian led efforts and local initiatives, including demonstrations, events, and actions that advocate for justice in Palestine.
- Advocate for an Immediate Ceasefire – Call your Congressional representatives to demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.
- Utilize the Guide for Friday Sermons – MAS has developed talking points for khateebs to utilize in their Friday sermons.
- Join Townhall by MLFA – The Muslim Legal Fund of America is hosting a townhall on the Gaza Impact and legal insights. Use it as an opportunity to increase your knowledge so it can inform your advocacy efforts.
- Day of Action – On October 14th, American Muslims for Palestine is organizing a Day of Action for Palestine. Join local AMP demonstrations and actions or host one in your local communities.
- Educate Co-workers, Friends and Classmates – Utilize resources such as those found in If Americans Knew, Jewish Voice for Peace, American Muslims for Palestine to share factual information and to provide resources to help educate others about Palestine.
- Join AMP for Palestine Advocacy Day on the Hill – “Our collective efforts are necessary for effective change. Our voices need to be heard and the plight of Palestinians amplified. Join our advocacy day on October 23rd-24th in Washington, DC, and advocate on the Hill for justice for Palestine.” Please visit their website to learn more about the event and secure your spot.
Additional Resources
- Students on Campus – If you are a student on campus or part of student-led organizations on campus and you face any intimidation, harassment or discrimination, make sure you connect with your local CAIR office or contact CAIR National if you do not have access to a local CAIR office.
- How to Handle Encounters with the FBI– If you are approached by the FBI due to your advocacy for Palestine, utilize CAIR resources and this information sheet from the Movement for Black Lives.
- Statement to make when approached by FBI: “I would like to speak with you with my attorney present.” Get their contact information and engage with them only when you have an attorney present. Call your local CAIR chapter immediately.
- Amplify Your Voice with Facts– Use only credible sources and verify information before posting, engaging or spreading information. Falsehood travels faster than the truth has time to catch up. While the propaganda machine is going full force in spreading misinformation, make sure you are actively ensuring that you engage in and distribute verified, factual and truthful information. American Muslims for Palestine is a great resource to utilize.
- REPORT! REPORT! REPORT! – Incidents of hate, discrimination, Islamophobia are vastly underreported in our community. Try your best to document any incident via video, photos, etc. Please make sure you report any incident to CAIR. You can contact your local CAIR chapter or use this form.
- Protection Against Infiltration – When tensions run high, there is bound to be bad actors that try to negatively impact your advocacy efforts. Here is an information sheet from the Movement for Black Lives that can help guide how to protect yourself and the movement for justice in Palestine from harmful actors in bad faith.
Our beloved Prophet (saws) told us: “Whoever sees an evil, he should change it by his hands; if he could not do so, then he should change it by his tongue; if he could not do so, then he should do that by his heart, which is the least of faith.” [Sahih Muslim]. It is time to be true agents of change and stand for justice, relying on Allah completely. Allah (swt) reminds us in the Quran: “ O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm for Allah, witnesses in justice, and do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just. Be just; that is nearer to righteousness. And fear Allah ; indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what you do (5:8).
The amount of misinformation and dehumanization of Palestinians and the Palestinian cause can be overwhelming. Remember the words of Allah (swt) in this difficult time:
[ When people said to them: ‘Behold, a host has gathered around you and you should fear them’, it only increased their faith and they answered: ‘Allah is Sufficient for us; and what an excellent Guardian He is!” So they returned with a mighty favor and a great bounty from Allah having suffered no harm. They followed the good pleasure of Allah, and Allah is the Lord of great bounty]. (3:173-174)
May Allah (swt) give us the strength, clarity and steadfastness we need to continue to advocate for justice in Palestine. Ameen
Ayman Hammous
Executive Director of MAS