Points of Reflection:

  • How have you prepared your heart to more deeply embrace the words of the Quran this Ramadan?
  • What did you know about Surah Al-Kahf before watching the video?
  • Is there one particular story mentioned in this chapter that you look forward to the most? Which one and why?

Quiz Questions:

  • Is Surah Al-Kahf Medani or Makki?
  • What trials were facing the early believers when this surah was revealed?
  • What are the four stories Allah mentions in this surah?


Invite a companion to join you in watching our Surah Al-Kahf Ramadan web series and hold a daily competition on who gets the most quiz answers correct.

About In the Shade of Ramadan Surah Al-Kahf: The Light Within the Cave

This year’s In The Shade of Ramadan (ISR) web series explores the stories, lessons, and connections found in Surah Al-Kahf, a chapter of the Quran that offers us incredible insight on all the seasons of our lives. Join us as we take a deep dive into this rich chapter of the Quran and discover its wealth of wisdom through a fresh lens.

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