Points of Reflection:
- Have you ever found relief in an expected place?
- What did you learn from that experience?
- Reflect on how many ways Allah takes care of us without us even asking Him to.
- What’s one way that you find particularly awe-inspiring?
Quiz Questions:
- List the ways in which Allah took care of the youth as they slept in the cave.
- What ayahs were quoted in this episode?
- What is a “fajwa”?
Research the ways Allah has created the Universe to sustain human life on our planet. Then do 100 dhikr of “Alhumdulillah.” Consider adding this to your daily dhikr/wird.
About In the Shade of Ramadan Surah Al-Kahf: The Light Within the Cave
This year’s In The Shade of Ramadan (ISR) web series explores the stories, lessons, and connections found in Surah Al-Kahf, a chapter of the Quran that offers us incredible insight on all the seasons of our lives. Join us as we take a deep dive into this rich chapter of the Quran and discover its wealth of wisdom through a fresh lens.
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