Points of Reflection:

  • What did and didn’t you know about the Companions of The Cave before watching this episode?
  • What would you do if you were in the shoes of these young believers?
    • How can we highlight the importance of sacrifice in a highly ambitious, individualistic, and consumption-based society?
  • Can you think of a time Allah gave you more than you asked for?

Quiz Questions:

  • What word does Allah use to describe the young men who escaped to the cave?
  • What class in society did these young men belong to?
  • What is the meaning of “mirfaqa”?


List other figures in history who came from a similar background as these young men and chose to embrace Islam. In what ways, if any, did their conversion change their social standing?

About In the Shade of Ramadan Surah Al-Kahf: The Light Within the Cave

This year’s In The Shade of Ramadan (ISR) web series explores the stories, lessons, and connections found in Surah Al-Kahf, a chapter of the Quran that offers us incredible insight on all the seasons of our lives. Join us as we take a deep dive into this rich chapter of the Quran and discover its wealth of wisdom through a fresh lens.

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