Points of Reflection: How have you prepared your heart to more deeply embrace the words of the Quran this Ramadan? What did you know about Surah Al-Kahf before watching the video? Is there one particular story mentioned in this chapter that you look forward to the...
Back to school season can cause mixed feelings in most students and their families. There’s excitement but also a fair share of nervousness. Even before the pandemic hit, statistics show 1 in 6 kids in America were prone to anxiety issues. Here are 10 tips on how to...
MAS Revive packets are resources that can be adapted to best serve your youth and community. Please feel free to use supplemental materials, ideas, or mix & match activities in a way that maintains building on the topic. We’d love to hear how your chapter...
This is year is the first time I have ever spent my Ramadan away from my family and my home. For the past few weeks, I have been in Morocco studying and I will be here insha’Allah for the remainder of Ramadan and Eid-AlFitr. These are a few early (and slightly random)...
Sometimes in our writing and translation work, we come across an idea or passage that we can’t wait to share with everyone. Our next translated book, Faith Comes First, by Magdy Al-Hilali, is a treasure trove of ideas and strategies on building up iman....
(12/29/19) The Muslim American Society offers its deepest condolences to the families and victims in the string of anti-Semitic attacks in recent weeks targeting our Jewish community. These attacks during the sacred Jewish holiday of Hanukah, including the most recent...