
By Maha Ezzeddine from DetroitEstimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes (reposted from February 2017) I’ve attended nine different usras* in four states, trudging through rain, rush hour, and snowstorms; high school, college, grad school, and motherhood; after fajr,...
A Gift for All Hajj-Goers

A Gift for All Hajj-Goers

A small gift for our friends and loved ones who are embarking on Hajj this year – the Tarbiya Effects of Hajj upon the Soul and Character. May it inspire you and awaken a deeper sincerity on your journey. These chapters are an excerpt of a longer translated...
Fasting and Dua

Fasting and Dua

Part 5 of a series exploring how to prepare for the 10 Days of Dhul Hijjah and suggested worship habits we can incorporate in the upcoming days. The 10 Days will begin later this week. Read the other posts in the series: A Spiritual Reboot, Breaths...

More Remembrance

Part 3 of a series exploring how to prepare for the 10 Days of Dhul Hijjah and suggested worship habits we can incorporate in the upcoming days. Read the other posts in the series: A Spiritual Reboot, Breaths of Mercy, Extra...

Moving for the Sake of the Quran

With the upcoming MAS-ICNA Convention 2018 theme being “Quran: the Light to the World,” it seems appropriate to discuss how the Quran speaks to our mission as MAS: to move people to strive for God-consciousness, liberty and justice, and to convey Islam with...