In February, Black History Month is observed to acknowledge African Americans’ accomplishments and valuable contributions throughout history. To commemorate this occasion, the Muslim American Society (MAS) organized an event to showcase the significant role...
Recently, in honor of World Hijab Day, Yaqeen Institute, a research institution dedicated to studying Islam, published a blog post promoting greater understanding and respect for the diversity of Muslim women’s experiences and beliefs about hijab. The publishing...
Back to school season can cause mixed feelings in most students and their families. There’s excitement but also a fair share of nervousness. Even before the pandemic hit, statistics show 1 in 6 kids in America were prone to anxiety issues. Here are 10 tips on how to...
Coming Home: Khushoo’ Photo by Samuel Ferarra What Is Khushoo? Khushoo’ is the state of the heart when it stands before its Lord in full submission, humility, and intense concentration; it also represents the tenderness of the heart, as well as its tranquility,...
Every single aspect of the universe is oriented toward Allah (swt). Divine patterns of unity and duality are all around us, in the natural world and human experience, tying everything together in a dependent web, originating from One Creator. V/O: Glenn Silver...
The concept of Rizq, is a profound one. How much wealth will we accumulate? How many children will we have, if at all? What will the trajectory of our lives entail? Every single one of us has a preordained sustenance (rizq). We know not, while Allah (swt) is the...