Points of Reflection: What is a wali of Allah? What are the characteristics of those who are awliya? What do you gain in the dunya by leaving it for the sake of Allah? Quiz Questions: What does Allah’s name Al-Wali mean? What ayahs of the surah are mentioned in this...
Points of Reflection: Reflect on the role of the dog. Think of other instances when an animal assisted believers who were being persecuted. By not telling us the exact number of the youth, what message is Allah sending us? Why do you think Allah kept these young men...
Points of Reflection: Have you ever found relief in an expected place? What did you learn from that experience? Reflect on how many ways Allah takes care of us without us even asking Him to. What’s one way that you find particularly awe-inspiring? Quiz Questions: List...
Points of Reflection: What did and didn’t you know about the Companions of The Cave before watching this episode? What would you do if you were in the shoes of these young believers? How can we highlight the importance of sacrifice in a highly ambitious,...
Points of Reflection: What lesson was Allah teaching us by not revealing to the Prophet (s) the answers to the questions he was asked right away? Why has Allah not revealed much about the nature of the soul? With every hardship Allah sends down relief. Think about a...
Points of Reflection: What religious obligations or prohibitions are you struggling with? Do you have a plan to address these issues? When you don’t get what you want, what are your internal and external reactions? How can we begin training our nafs now so that we...