#BeLikeProphetIbrahim Whether it’s the rituals of Hajj or the sacrifices we carry out on Eid Al-Adha, these days of Dhul-Hijjah remind us of the enduring legacy of our great Prophet Ibrahim. Join us as we learn from his awe-inspiring and timeless qualities and strive to become tenacious believers like Ibrahim (A).

How was Prophet Ibrahim (A) Reflective?
Prophet Ibrahim was known to be opposed to his people’s practice of idolatry since he was a young boy. Through observation, reflection, and ultimately Allah’s guidance, he realized natural phenomena like the rising and setting of the sun, moon, and stars all pointed to a single controller. He used these signs to guide his people to worship the true God.
How Can I Be Reflective Like Prophet Ibrahim?
Taddabbur means to deeply reflect on the words and creation of Allah. It is one of the highest forms of worship. Take your Quran to a quiet place in nature — maybe a park, beach, or your backyard. Read Allah’s words and contemplate how they relate to you and the world around you.