Mission & Vision

40 Chapters/Centers

MAS has chapters and community centers spanning all regions of the continental United States.

Serving 14,000 adults weekly

MAS engages 14,000 weekly through usras, halaqas, workshops, seminars and more.

Serving 7,000 youth weekly

MAS engages 7,000 young people weekly as they work to establish a solid connection to their faith.

Our Impact Areas


Islam to Muslims

Promote a balanced moderate understanding of islam within the american context and a tarbiyah driven methodology for the muslim community


Leadership Development

Empower a new generation of leaders with the tools, skills, and programs needed for relevant Islamic leadership, scholarship, mentorship, activism and Islamic work


Community Mobilization

Organize and mobilize Muslim community towards a shared need grounded in Prophetic methodology.


Social Justice

To advance society towards justice and equity by tackling social ills and oppression.


Islam to Non-Muslims

To convey Islam with utmost clarity to the American public as a God-centered way of life.

Our History

Over 30 Years of Service

Established in 1993 as a non-profit 501(C)(3) organization, the Muslim American Society (MAS) is a dynamic charitable, religious, social, cultural, and educational, organization. Over the past two decades, MAS has expanded to more than 40 chapters across the United States. MAS offers unique programs and services that seek to better the individual and in turn, the greater society by imparting Islamic knowledge, promoting community service, engaging in political activism, and much more.

Over the past two decades, MAS has evolved into a nationally recognized grassroots movement. The organization is empowered by a unique chapter structure that is linked through a common mission and vision.

Meet The Team

Ayman Hammous

Ayman Hammous

Executive Director

Wafa Manasrah

Wafa Manasrah

Operations Manager

Aysha Abdallah

Aysha Abdallah

Marketing Director

Wael Mokhtar

Wael Mokhtar

Tarbiya & Youth Director


Maha Ezzeddine

Publishing Director

Ismahan Abdullahi

PACE Director

Ahmad Saqr

Director of Chapter Development & Community Relations