Points of Reflection:
- Given the overview of the main themes in Surah al-Buruj – what resonated with you? Why?
- What are you looking forward to learning more about due to the themes presented?
- What do you know already about the stories of Surah al-Buruj?
- In what ways do you find yourself more preoccupied with worldly outcomes (whether individually, societally, or worldly)?
- Does your preoccupation with worldly outcomes cause you to fall into anxiety, depression, or complacency? What helps with this spiral?
- How do you nourish and maintain a God-centered mindset and perspective?
- What challenges do you face in maintaining this mindset and perspective?
- What happens when we get wrapped up in our own life experiences and experience a shift from a God-centered perspective to a self-perspective?
- Quiz Questions:
- Is Surah al-Buruj Medani or Makki?
- (Makki)
- What were the early believers facing when Surah al-Buruj was revealed?
- (hardship, persecution)
- How did Surah al-Buruj reshape the perspective of the believers?
- (gave them hope, reaffirmed their faith, emphasized the Hereafter vs. the dunya by highlighting Allah’s Power, Divine Decree, and Justice on the Day of Judgement)
- Is Surah al-Buruj Medani or Makki?
- Challenge:
- Take time to read through Surah al-Buruj today. Take a few moments to write down words or references you would like to learn more about or review – check these items off and add notes relating to each thing you wrote down, as the topics are covered in this year’s ISR series.
About In the Shade of Ramadan Triumph in Trial: Lessons from Surat Al-Buruj
This year’s In The Shade of Ramadan (ISR) web series explores the stories, lessons, and connections that are found in Surat al-Buruj, a chapter of the Qur’an that offers us much-needed reminders and reassurances during this time of heightened Islamophobia, continued global conflict, and the ongoing genocide in Gaza.
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