Mentorship Training
A training focused on Youth MentorsGoals
Understanding the basics of mentorship
- Mentorship through the Qur’anic and Prophetic Methodology lens
- Making the case for a system of intergenerational mentorship – critical needs and overall impact
- Mentorship in focus – need and impact of youth mentorship as mentors and mentees
- Being an effective mentor – practical workshop with hands on case scenarios
- Overcoming challenges as a mentor – organizational, individual, personal
- Finding a mentor – how do you identify the right mentor for yourself, renew intentions, and fill your cup while in service
- 55 ways to improve mentorship – includes do’s and dont’s of individual mentorship and mentorship programs
What is the impact of having a mentor in someone’s life?
Whether the burdens come from the hardship of poverty, the challenges of parental substance abuse or serious mental illness, the stress of war, the threats of recurrent violence or chorionic neglect, or a combination of factors, the sing most common finding is that children who end up doing well have had at least one stable and committed relationship with a supportive parents, caregiver or other adult.
– National Scientific Council on the Developing Child (2015)
Youth programming efforts must create opportunities for young people to develop and cultivate positive, meaningful, and healthy relationships with peers, mentors, and adults. The ability to identify and connect with others helps to strengthen a sense of group membership, self-concept, and self-esteem of the individual (Hogg and Abrams 2007). In addition, healthy and positive group identification can help promote youth development by promoting identity formation and the ability to cope with normative developmental issues.
(Eccles and Gootman 2002)


Mounira Madison
Community Relations, 15 Years of Community Organizing and Youth, Development Experience, Current Masters in Islamic Religious, Leadership Fellow (BIS)
Mohammed Kibriya
Deputy Director of TYM, 15 Years of Youth Work Experience, Masters in Non Profit MGMT, Trained over 500+ Mentors
Training Reference

Thirty years of people development and leadership investment, serving over 40+ Chapters across the nation and developing over 1000+ mentors.

Youth Organization that have done over 6M+ Youth Survey and trained over 65,000+ professionals

Strengthening and empowering individuals, families, and communities through research and education.

ISPU provides objective research and education about American Muslims to support well-informed dialogue and decision-making.
Training Packages
Bring AYM to your communityTwo days on site
On-site visit with 16 hours of interactive training, focus group discussions, and community networking.
- 6 hours – interactive, mentorship workshop covering the aforementioned topics
- 1:1 – focused mentor check-ins
- Focus group meeting with leadership – topic: guidance and working together to develop long term sustainability of mentorship program
- Additional youth Halaqa offerings (tbd)
- Khutbah on Youth challenges ( tbd )
- Post visit: Formal Assessment including synthesis and analysis of all data collected via workshops, 1:1’s, focus group discussions, and
online presence with recommendations and roadmap for an integrated system of intergenerational mentorship programs
All-inclusive fee of $3,000 – (covers flights, accommodation, transportation, workshop supplies)
Virtual 3 hours training
The fundamentals of mentorship covering the aforementioned topics with elements for online workshop
(in-person is preferred for rigorous training)
- Virtual focus group meetings – leadership, mentors, youth (one hour each)
- Formal Assessment including synthesis and analysis of all data collected via workshops, 1:1’s, focus group discussions, and online presence
with recommendations and roadmap for an integrated system of intergenerational mentorship programs
$1000 – (covers 6 virtual training/meeting hours and formal assessment though the assessment is less rigorous when done virtually as there
is less data and touch points with people on the ground that comes with an on-site weekend visit)